- Every employee has certain health and safety rights and duties in the workplace. The primary duty of the employees is to take reasonable care to protect themselves and their colleagues from risks and hazards to health and safety in the working place. To enable the employees to enjoy their rights in terms of the Act, safe guards are provided which terms them from any form of discriminations
- While at the mine, every employee must take reasonable care to protect his or her own health and safety
- Every employee must also take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of others who might be affected by that employee doing of falling to do something in the interest of health and safety
- Properly use and take care of any clothing or equipment provided for protection of the health and safety of that and any other employee
- If the employee identifies anything he/she believes to be a health and safety risk, he/she must report it to the supervisor if he/she cannot deal with it properly
- The employee has a duty to co-operate with any person who has responsibilities and duties to perform in terms of the Act
- The employees must comply with all health and safety measures, failure to comply with a duty under this Act is an offence
- Assignment of suitable alternative work
- If any employee is requested to do work, which another has refuse to do , that employee must be notified of the refusal and the reason why the employee refused to do it