Pre-Tensioned the Anchor

The Mechanical Anchor now requires to be pretensioned to a load that is specified by the Mines Rock Engineer


1.Carefully inspect the Front Gripping Nano Jack’s housing and hoses for leaks or damage and the quick release coupling connectors for dirt or pitting. Ensure there is a safety sling and hook attached. Check the condition of the jaws to ensure they will grip the cable being tensioned. (Refer to picture 1 & 2)


2.Check the operation of the Front Gripping Nano Jack by coupling it to the Mushle Air Hydraulic Pump by ensuring that the ram extends and retracts fully by using it on a short piece of the same size cable as those being installed. (Refer to picture 1&2)


3.Fit the Front Gripping Jack Nano Jack over the strand protruding from the hole until it meets with the AMS Compact barrel and secure the jack to the washer or nearby rock bolt or mesh, if available, using the safety sling. If necessary, activate the pump until the jaws have gripped the cable and the Nano Jack supports its own weight. Stop pumping and move all people away from the position of the Cable (2-3m).


4.Operate the Mushle pump until the correct load is reached. This will be indicated by the coloured load indicator on the barrel being exposed after an audible snap is heard on the AMS Compact barrel and the snap ring shears. This can be verified by observing the load achieved on the calibrated gauge on the pump If the jaws of the Front Gripping Nano Jack slip on the cable before the designed pre-load is reached, the jaws are worn and must be changed. (Refer to picture 4)


5.Reverse the action of the Mushle Air Hydraulic Pump; this will cause the jaws to release their grip on the strand. The Front Gripping Nano Jack will fall but will remain secured by the safety sling. As the people are away from the area they are in no danger from the Front Gripping Jack which is a heavy piece of equipment (±12kg). Lift up the Front Gripping Nano Jack and release the chain and lower the Front Gripping Nano Jack to the ground.


Ensure that the correct PPE is worn at all times to prevent eye injuries and cement burns

1 and 2

4.M and J Mushle Air Pump controller

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