At level of work. Travel to Waiting place (Waiting place Procedure)

Always walk on designated walkways.

Waiting place. Take part in waiting place procedure include Safety meeting

You must only use the designated walkways.

Once arrive at Waiting Place you must take part in the safety meeting and waiting place procedure as per the Mine Safe Operation Waiting Place Procedure

Safe Entry Examination


Take part in safe entry examination to declare workplace safe.

Once the safety meeting conducted, you must take part in the Safe entry examination

Walk the Route

Walk the route of travel to the workplace and or work panel. Remove and be on the lookout for any substandard conditions or hazards. Remove, rectify, eliminate any hazards or sub-standard conditions

It is of utmost importance that you must walk the road to the workplace, and you must be on the look-out for any sub-standard conditions or hazards. If any observed, you must take part in rectify and or eliminate

You have completed now the early morning, start of shift routine. When arrive at the workplace, you will now practice the practical installation of the TC Cable Anchor

Important Note:

Under the cover of temporary support, install 3m TC’s in the face area from the face to one line behind the first line of elongates to ensure an overlap between the two support systems. Space the 3m TC’s within the face area max1.5m apart on dip and strike and max 0.5m from the face.

Inspect the Mechanical Anchor

Visually inspect the Mechanical Anchor to ensure they are

complete, have no missing parts and are not damaged

in any way.

Visually inspect the Mechanical Anchor to ensure they are complete, have no missing parts and are not damaged in any way.

The Rock drill Operator will start with the support hole drilling once the Miner marked the correct support holes as per the Mine standard.

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