Handle Acids and Alkalis safely in a Metallurgical Plant


Emergency procedures: spillage and burn injuries

The specified actions to be taken in the event of an emergency situation related to a chemical:

  • Neutralisation procedure
  • Spillage disposal procedure
  • Fume inhalation treatment
  • First aid procedure

Neutralising and cleaning up of spillages

  • All spillages and leaks must be reported immediately.
  • Wear and use the prescribed personal protective clothing and safety equipment.
  • Avoid inhalation of fumes and vapours.
  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
  • The source of the spillage/leaks must be stopped (i.e. stop pump or close valve).
  • Avoid contact with incompatible materials such as metals and alkaline.
  • The contaminated area should be isolated immediately and barricades displayed.
  • Handle with great caution and avoid further spillages.
  • Large spills: Contain/solidify with sand and dispose as approved by authorities.
  • Small spills: The prescribed neutralizing agent should be used to neutralise the spillage on the surface of the contaminated area.
  • The contaminated surface areas should be flushed with copious amounts of water spray.
  • Acid spills and drained acid should not come into contact with organic materials, sulphate wastage, and Cyanide, because of the danger of evolving extremely hazardous gases.
  • Prevent run-off into drains, because of the danger of evolving explosive gases.
  • Wash hands before eating, drinking and using toilet facilities.
  • Don’t wear contaminated clothing.

First Aid Procedures (the same procedures apply to acids and alkalis)

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