Lesson 4 – Off Loading Sodium Cyanide Tanker


NB:  Security to check delivery note to make sure that tanker has been to weigh bridge.

1.1.        Sodium cyanide tanker to be directed to off loading point by plant supervisor.

1.2.        Driver to report to cyanide handler or offloading personnel with his delivery note.

1.3.        Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel, Driver and Treatment Supervisor to complete clearance certificate.

1.4.        Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel to check delivery note for:

  • Correct mine/ plant of delivery
  • If tanker has been to the weigh bridge
  • Correct chemical ordered and if to be offloaded in correct storage facility.

1.5.        Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel and Driver to check availability and moisture content of compressed air.

1.6.        Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel to check safety shower if operational, cyanide first aid equipment if available and valid. Report any defects to Treatment Supervisor.

1.7.        Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel and Driver to wear recommended full PPE before starting with the offloading process.

1.8.        Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel to make sure delivery checklist is completed accordingly.

1.9.        Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel to check that tanker delivery point is sealed.

1.10.     If seal is broken don’t unload and send tanker back to mine stores.

1.11.     Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel cordon area of with ‘DO NOT ENTER’ signs and with chains/ barricade tape.

1.12.     Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel goes and measure content of the sodium cyanide tank while Driver remains on standby outside the cyanide entrance.

1.13.     Driver to check for any abnormalities while Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel is in cyanide area.

1.14.     Ensure that drain valve is closed and check for any leaks before off loading.

1.15.     Unlock delivery point.

1.16.     Driver to connect off loading pipe to delivery point and connect earth cable.

1.17.     Ensure loading valves on tank are open.

1.18.     Driver to connect air hose to tanker after de-watering.

1.19.     Driver to open air valve slowly.

1.20.     Driver to check for any leaks and stand away while off loading.

1.21.     Cyanide handler/off loading personnel and Driver to ensure all safety procedures are adhered to as stated.

1.22.     While off loading, driver and cyanide handler/off loading personnel must keep observing process.

1.23.     The off loading personnel/cyanide handler is responsible for authorizing discharge at the off loading area and should be thoroughly trained and found competent in the correct procedures to be followed and the emergency measures to be taken in case of a spillage.

1.24.     The recipient’s off loading personnel/cyanide handler has the right to refuse permission to discharge the contents of a road tanker if he is not satisfied with the condition of the tanker, the reasons for the rejection should be noted on the delivery note.

1.25.     The driver has the right to refuse to discharge the load if he is not satisfied with the condition of the storage facility, the reasons for refusal should be noted on delivery note.



2.1.        Close air

2.2.        Driver to ensure tanker is depressurized before disconnecting delivery pipe.

2.3.        Cyanide handler/off loading personnel to lock delivery point and clean any spillage to holding tank.

2.4.        Cyanide handler/off loading personnel to confirm storage tank level on PLC with Plant Supervisor on shift at Treatment Control Room and sign delivery note.

2.5.        Cyanide handler/off loading personnel attach delivery check list to plant copy of delivery note.

2.6.        Cyanide handler/ offloading personnel to remove ‘NO ENTRY’ signs and chain/ barricade tape.

2.7.        Tanker to leave plant to weigh bridge at mine store.




3.1.        Elbow length rubber gloves

3.2.        Gumboots

3.3.        Hard hat

3.4.        Gas mask with B2P2 canister

3.5.        Chemical Suit

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