MHSA: Personal Protective Equipment

MHSA Chap 2: Sect 9 Employer to ensure adequate supply of Health & Safety Equipment.

3)  Every employer must take reasonable steps to ensure that all employees who are required to use PPE are instructed in a proper use, the limitations and the appropriate maintenance of that equipment.



PPE Required for Employees:

  • Hard hat
  • Eye Protection – as required
  • Hearing protection – as required
  • Overall with patches and reflective strips
  • Gloves appropriate for the type of work
  • Steel toe capped safety shoes or boots – as required
  • Knee Guards
  • Elbow Guards
  • Any specialised PPE per application


NOTE: PPE will not eliminate injury but is designed to minimise the severity of an injury.  According to Sect 22 of the MHSA, it is YOUR responsibility to take care of your PPE.

MHSA: PPE Signage & Hard Hat Classification

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