Lesson 17 – Human Resources Management

What we do at EGM (MPC) to Take Care of Our Most Valuable Asset – YOU




How do we Communicate at EGM (MPC)?

  • Morning Safety Meeting
  • Various Management / Labour Forums
  • Newsletters
  • Notice Boards
  • E-mails
  • Safety Flashes to report Incidents
  • Health and Safety Committee Meetings
  • Management Briefs
  • Mass Meetings
  • Management Safety Meetings

Recruitment at EGM (MPC)  EGM (MPC)


  • Internally – Advert placed on notice boards.
  • Externally – Advertised through community forum or local newspaper
  • Short listing of candidates who meet the min. requirements on the adverts
  • Panel interviews are conducted with candidates identified on the shortlist
  • Psychometric Assessments (if required by the occupation) and required RPL assessments are conducted on candidates selected during the interview processes
  • Final candidate selection is based on results of psychometric assessment, RPL assessment and interview scoring sheets
  • Verification done of certificates of legal appointees and offer of employment to the successful candidates


Types of Leave Entitled to Employees:


Compulsory Leave – Annual Leave

  • Annual leave- 15 x Work Days Annual Leave for each year of employment
  • Compulsory Leave days may NOT be paid out – NO encashment


Unpaid Leave

  • If no other leave is available, a person can apply to take unpaid leave
  • Unpaid leave will be granted at the discretion of your supervisor
  • Be Aware that you will not be paid for these leave days and may find yourself in financial difficulties


Maternity & Family Responsibility Leave:


Maternity Leave

  • Women qualify for 4 months unpaid maternity leave
  • At least 4 weeks should be taken before the baby is born and 6 weeks after the baby has been born.


Family Responsibility Leave


Employees are entitled to 3 days per annum:

  • Death of any of the following family member

-Parent, spouse or life partner or Child

-Grandparent or Grandchild

-Brother or Sister

  • The birth of an employees’ child
  • The illness of an employees child
  • When an employee’s spouse is seriously ill or hospitalised or being nursed at home.

Sick Leave Procedure


When must I submit a sick note?

  • When you were not at work because of medical reasons you need to submit a Sick Note to HR or your Supervisor.
  • The Company shall reserve the right whether or not to accept the sick note.


Can I submit a Sick Note from a Traditional Healer?

  • Only Sick Notes from a Registered Medical Practitioner will be accepted



  • Abuse of Sick Leave
  • Failure to notify the Company when being booked of sick
  • Presenting a false / forged medical certificate
  • Making changes to a medical certificate

Study Leave


I am studying Part Time – Do I Qualify for Study Leave?

  • You will be granted paid study leave if you are part of a Study Assistance Agreement.
  • The Study Assistance Agreement will specify the amount of study leave that you qualify for.
  • If you are paying for your own studies, you will have to take annual leave or unpaid leave for studying and writing of exams.

Time and Attendance


Why do you need to Clock IN and OUT for each Shift?

  • All employees must clock or you will appear as AWOP on the system.
  • All employees must clock IN at the beginning of the shift and OUT at the end of the shift for your clocking’s to register a Full Shift.
  • Employees must clock at the fingerprint reader where they are zoned at.

Important information:

If you clock – you will be paid

No clocking = AWOP on the system

Only the finger print clocking is taken


  • Fraudulently clocking for attendance



What is Timekeeping and what does it Mean to me as an Employee?

  • Timekeeping is not Time and Attendance and has nothing to do with whether you have clocked IN for the Shift.
  • Timekeeping is about how Punctual you are for work and during working hours.
  • Report and Leave the workplace at the hours posted in your section or as agreed to with your Supervisor / HOD.
  • Proceed and Return from lunch and fatigue breaks at times stated within your section.

Important information:

Poor timekeeping will not be tolerated!

If you have a problem, discuss it with your supervisor


  • Reporting late for work without permission or a good reason
  • Leaving work early without permission
  • Extended or unauthorized breaks during working hours



What is considered as Absenteeism?

  • Staying away from work without a good reason and without letting anyone know is seen as Absenteeism.
  • Uncommunicated  or unjustified absenteeism is seen as a serious breach of the contract of employment.


What if I am unable to inform my Supervisor?

  • Notify your immediate Supervisor about your planned absence before the end of the shift.
  • If immediate Supervisor is not available leave a message with HR or a reliable person.
  • If something happens after hours that prevents you going to work, ensure that you contact your Supervisor or HR directly, or send a message of your absence with a colleague.
  • It remains your responsibility as an employee to ensure your Supervisor gets the message.
  • Disciplinary action will be taken against employees that absent themselves from work without permission

Important Information:

Absenteeism before or after weekend breaks and public holidays

Will be treated more seriously!


  • 1 – 4 days without valid reason
  • 5+ days without valid reason – Abscondment



What is the period I get paid for?

  • Salaries and Wages are paid from the 20th of the previous month up to the 19th of the current pay month.


Why do I get AWOP’s on my payslip?

  • AWOPs can be as a result of an employee not clocking at all or forgetting to clock IN or OUT for the Shift.
  • Make sure all your documents that can affect your pay are handed in at the HR Practitioners on the shafts before cost closing.


Documents Include:

  • Leave Forms
  • Sick Leave Certificates
  • Approved Overtime worked

Medical Certificates of Fitness


Must office personnel also go for a Red Ticket?

  • All employees working on the mine must have a valid Certificate of Medical Fitness
  • No one will be allowed to continue work on site without a valid Certificate of Medical fitness


Can’t my doctor at home issue me with a certificate?

  • Only the appointment  Occupational Medical Practitioner (OMP) are allowed to issue you with a Certificate of Fitness
  • Reports from your doctor can be submitted your HR to be put on your employee file.


How will I know when my Red Ticket expires?

  • Every employee needs to undergo an annual medical
  • Your HR/Site Administrator will notify you when your annual medical is booked
  • If your medical is not done in time, you will be blocked from entering the sites

Important Information:

Your HR/Site administrator on site can provide you with your Red Ticket renewal date

Woman in Mining

Sexual Harassment


EGM (MPC)  has a ZERO TOLERANCE towards Sexual Harassment!

  • Purpose of this Policy is to Protect ALL Employees of EGM (MPC)  from Sexual Harassment in the Work Place.


What is the Definition of Sexual Harassment?

  • Sexual Harassment includes Unwanted or Inappropriate:

-Physical Contact.

-Verbal Comments of a Sexual or Inappropriate nature.

-Non Verbal Forms such as Gestures & Displays of Sexually Explicit pictures or messages

-Requesting benefits or assistance in exchange of Sexual Favours

Important Information:

Disciplinary action will be taken against Employees lodging false sexual harassment accusations.

All cases of sexual harassment should be reported, investigated and disciplinary action, including dismissal, taken where appropriate.


  • If found Guilty of having committed Sexual Harassment.

Woman in Mining – Pregnancy Procedure

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