Lesson 5 – Handling Emergencies

In case of a truck accident, a truck that rolled or a truck that is leaking badly.

  • Raise the alarm and immediately call the emergency call number displayed on the tanker and the Hazchem response team will be activated and come to the scene to assist the local government emergency services.
  • Determine risks and identify safe and responsible action to take.
    (spill rate, fumes, wind direction and strength, downwind population).
  • Emergency personnel that first arrive on the scene of the incident must follow the ‘Emergency Response’ Guide book.
  • Barricade area to deny entry to public and plant personnel. Do not allow the public to remove any product from the scene.

    Recommended Actions of first person on site:

  • If the incident took place outside a plant or mining facility the local emergency services are responsible for the site. The Hazchem response team are only there to assist them,
  • One of the golden rules of containing a cyanide spill is not to use water to wash it into the storm water system, nearby environment or water sources (Streams, dams and rivers).
  • Use chemical scatter, vermiculite or sand to contain a cyanide spill so that the cyanide does not contaminate the environment or poison members of the public.
  • Please consider that different mines and plants will have slightly different emergency action plans, the actions mentioned here are just recommendations form the supplier (Sasol)

Important Considerations when dealing with Cyanide spillages:

  • Barricade / deny others including the public entry to the contaminated area.
  • Do not touch or walk through spillage area. You will contaminate your shoes and you cannot decontaminate your shoes at home.
  • Ferrous Sulphate is not recommended as an absorbent although some mines use it in their chemical process.

-Ferrous Sulphate is acidic and emits  hydrogen cyanide fumes if used in large quantities to contain a cyanide spill.

-Ferrous sulphate is useful as an identifying agent to identify cyanide spills. Ferrous Sulphate changes colour when it comes it contact with cyanide.

Important Considerations when dealing with Cyanide spillages in a plant environment:

  • Avoid confined areas where high levels of cyanide fumes are likely to accumulate. Only trained personnel with the correct safety PPE may enter such areas.

Recommended Actions of first person on site (During exposure in a plant environment):

  • Rescue any patients from spill area and treat if safe to do so by applying oxygen.
  • Contain spilled product and prevent entering into drains and water ways
  • Stop leaks if possible without exposing yourself to additional risk.
  • Recover spilled product and absorbed chemical scatter, sand or vermiculite.
  • Dispose of contaminated clothing/absorbents and rehabilitate area.
  • Examples of material that can be used to clean up Sodium Cyanide spillages.
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