Evander Gold Mines has recognized the importance of the above two factors and has decided to put up a procedure in case of a serious road traffic accident involving a company vehicle outside our premises or any other serious incident involving other mobile equipment.
The procedure will outline the sequence of reporting an emergency at any time it occurs. The sequence will be as follows:
The Caller will ring Control Room on the following numbers:
Call center/Control Room – 911
Safety will liaise with all the parties in the hierarchy which are Medical, Human Resources, Fire Brigade and Line Manager.
The Line Manager will inform the General Manager.
Mine Accident:
- The injured mine employee (Includes contractors as per Mine Health and Safety Act).
- Accident occurred within the normal scope of his/her duties/occupation.
- The accident occurred on property owned or controlled by the Mine (At site of work including change rooms, cages/chairlifts, etc.).
- A work related injury resulting in the death of an employee or contractor.
Lost Time Injury (LTI):
- Is a work-related injury resulting in the injured being unable to attend/return to work to perform the full or similar duties of his/her regular work, as per advice of a suitably qualified medical professional, on the next calendar day after the injury.
Medical Treatment Case (MTC):
- A medical treatment case is recorded when the injured person was admitted to the hospital or clinic as a result of a work related injury and the injured person is able to return to work the next calendar day.
Causes of Incidents:
- Personal Factors e.g. Fatigue
- Lack of knowledge and/or skill
- Physical and mental defect
- Improper Attitude or Motivation
- Job Factors
- Unsafe Conditions and Physical Environment
- Inadequate Work Standards
Reasons why incidents must be reported:
- Legal Requirement
- To prevent reoccurrence
- To establish safety trends
- Identify preventative measures