Topic 1 – Employer:

Employer to Assess & Respond to Risk

The Employer must:

  • Identify the hazards to health or safety to which employees may be exposed while they are at work;
  • Assess the risks to health or safety to which employees may be exposed while they are at work;
  • Record the significant hazards identified and risks assessed and
  • Make those records available for inspection by employees.

Every Employer must consult with the Health and Safety committee at the mine to determine the measures to: 

  • Eliminate any recorded risk
  • Control the risk at source
  • Minimise the risk
  • in so far as the risk remains –

 (i) provide for personal protective equipment; and

 (ii) institute a program to monitor the risk to which
employees may be exposed.


Every Employer must:

  • Periodically review the hazards identified and risks assessed, including occupational hygiene measurements and medical surveillance, to determine further control requirements.
  • Consult with the Health and Safety committee on the review.


  • Ensure that the employee know and understand hazards
  • Maintain equipment (serviceable & hygienic)
  • Provide information, training, instruction and supervision
  • Participate in decision making of Health & Safety.
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