Topic 1 – Introduction


  • This document contains an outline of the Visible Felt Leadership (VFL) process as well as guidance for practitioners. It is worth noting that this is a description of a natural, social process that leaders (i.e. managers and supervisors) should carry out as a normal part of their job. In other words, it should be viewed as a natural add-in, and not as a cosmetic add-on. The more it is done, the easier and more natural and genuine it becomes.
  • Significantly, VFL goes beyond safety – although safety constitutes an integral part of the process, VFL also  touches  on  other  general  elements  of  leadership  such  as  caring, communicating, connecting and coaching.
  • The VFL process is one that seeks to demonstrate a leader’s commitment and belief in the Evander Gold Mine Values. It is also one that seeks to continuously improve the way work is done.
  • We now understand clearly that one of the most important contributors to sustained and improved – safety performance is leadership and the impact that leaders make by being available (visible and felt) in the workplace. Being accessible to employees while they are carrying out their day- to-day duties can make a very positive impact on the way employees view their leaders and can positively influence their behaviour and performance.
  • At the end of a VFL engagement it is essential that employees come away from the contact with a leader with a strong and unequivocal message that “my leaders care for me and my safety, and that safety is an organizational imperative”.
  • Another objective of VFL is to gather information which is useful in developing site and divisional safety strategy and plans. Following from each VFL engagement, significant issues should be recorded, subsequently; appropriate actions must be taken, with follow-up.
  • The VFL process should be a positive experience for participants, modelled around Evander Gold Mine Values and – in the process – improve safety performance. It should be seen as a less formal and separate process to one that may involve disciplinary procedures for serious and consistent breaches of rules.
  • In essence, VFL should be a quality conversation. For it to have maximum impact, VFL needs to be embedded in the culture of the organization, thus becoming “part of the way we do things around here”. This requires that VFL becomes part of the skills set of all managers and supervisors in Evander.
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