Topic 5 – Hand and Power Tools:


Rules to comply by:

  • Permits of Competence are required for all Operating Specialised Equipment.
  • Unauthorised persons shall not enter a Mine or work on any Shaft, place or building where machinery has been erected.
  • All Equipment / Machinery must be inspected by a Certified Engineer prior to entering the Mine. (Finding of the inspection must be recorded).
  • No persons shall damage or render ineffective anything, which has been provided for the protection of surface and/ or of underground works as far as the Safety and/ or Health is concerned of the workforce.

Rules to comply by:

  • When you are in charge of machinery, which requires constant supervision, do not absent yourself or cease to have continual supervision of such machine unless a competent person relieves you.
  • Use the correct tools and equipment safely for each task.
  • Ensure hammers and chisels are in good condition before commencing work
  • Only trained, competent people are allowed to use power tools.
  • Use the right tool for the task at hand.
  • Ensure that tool handles are not damaged before use.
  • Do not overload power tools.
  • Do not use electrical power tools on equipment whilst standing in water.
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