Topic 1 – Occupational Health:

  • Occupational Health is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations by preventing departures from health, controlling risks and the adaptation of work to people, and people to their jobs (International Labour Organisation (ILO) World Health Organisation (WHO 1950).

Occupational Health Services:

Medical examinations

  • Pre-employment medicals for all new employees
  • Periodical examinations – examinations conducted annually

Silicosis – on employees working in scheduled areas e.g. underground

Spirometry– on employees working in dust areas.

Audiometry –  on all employees working very noisy areas

Vision –  on  employees operating mobile equipment

Blood Lead levels – on lead burners and boiler makers

  • Exit medical examinations – examinations conducted on all employees on termination of employment.

Workman compensation

  • Employees identify with Noise Induced Hearing Loss.
  • Employees working in scheduled areas and identify with TB.
  • Employees identify with Silicosis.

Employees disabled following occupational accident

Wellness Clinics ( Employees)

  • These are medical check ups conducted to ascertain employee’s health status. This is done three times in a year.

Medical Discharge

  • All employees identify with either medical or surgical conditions that can not allow them to continue working are medically discharged.

Site Clinics

  • There are surface clinics and Underground first aid to meet the legal requirements.
  • The main responsibility of these clinics is early detection of occupational related diseases/conditions and institute medical intervention.
  • All employees with medical and surgical cases  are attended to at the site clinics first before being sent to the hospital.
  • Counselling and Testing of medical ailments (HIV etc.) is also conducted at the plant site clinics.

Emergency Response

The major responsibility of the Emergency Response Team is to respond to all forms emergencies both at workplace and community. The emergency respondents comprise of the following:

  • Mine Rescue Team (PROTO),
  • Fire Service
  • Medical Team ( Paramedics).
  • ER 24 (Off-Site Standby)

First Aid Training

First aid training is provided to employees to equip them in provision of initial medical care at the site of work and is part of Emergency Response:

  • Meet the requirements of the mining regulations which stipulates that all appointed officials have a valid first aid certificate
  • Enhance emergence preparedness by improving the ratio of people trained in first aid in the total labor force.


Call Center- 911


Personal Hygiene

  • Wash and change clothes regularly
  • Wear clean socks with your safety shoes
  • Keep toilets, kitchens and eating facilities clean and hygienic
  • Wash hands before eating, use soap and water
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