Lesson 9 – Fire Fighting Procedures – Security Barracks

The following procedure to be followed in the event of a fire: (Barracks)

  • The resident detecting the fire must notify the Security Control Room immediately.
  • The Radio Operator to immediately notify the Security Manager, Security Officer and Mine Fire Master.
  • The Security Manager and Security Officer to immediately proceed to the barracks and take charge of the situation.

Staff Members:

  • On discovery of the fire, alert all members in the barracks by shouting “FIRE!”
  • Staff in rooms to wake all members in barracks and to evacuate immediately..
  • Evacuate via the escape route.
  • Switch off electricity supply at main switch.
  • Remove injured from scene and render first aid.
  • Assemble at emergency assembly point behind water reservoirs in front of barracks.



  • Use dry chemical extinguishers for electrical fires.
  • Close all doors and windows if possible.
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