Lesson 7 – Fire Fighting During Normal Working Hours



Any person discovering a fire must immediately:

  • Try to put it out, without taking any risks


Alert his immediate Supervisor who will arrange for the following:

  • Instruct someone to activate emergency siren and call out the Fire Team (Phone Security Control Room).
  • Switch off main electrical supply.
  • Close all doors and windows if possible.
  • Remove vital equipment and documents in affected area if possible.
  • Check that all persons are accounted for at the assembly point.




Fire Extinguishers:

  • Activate the extinguisher and direct the nozzle at the base of the flame. Get as close as possible to the ignition point without endangering yourself.
  • For fires involving electrical equipment, try to get the powder to penetrate control panels.
  • When extinguishing flammable liquids never walk in the liquid spillage in case a flash back occurs.
  • If the flames cannot be extinguished by means of extinguishers, use must be made of fire hoses.




Duties of the Fire Hose Team (4 Team Members)

  • No. 4 Team Member will immediately proceed to the supply dam and ensure that the booster pump is operating after which he will join No. 2 and No.3 Team Members to assist with the extinguishing of the fire.
  • No. 1 Team Member will proceed to the main control valve, which he will open on a signal from No.3. He will remain at this position.
  • No. 2 Team Member will collect the rolled up hose and connect to the hydrant with the assistance of No.3 Team Member.
  • While No.2 is running out the hose No.3 will follow him with the hose nozzle.
  • The two hose men will direct the water at the base of the flame with No.4 Team Member acting as support.
  • This operation will only cease once the appointed person in charge gives the instruction.
  • When using the hose reels one person will direct the water spray at the base of the flame and one man will stay at the control valve.
  • All members of the fire hose team are to be trained to perform all the duties of each other member of the team.


  • Whenever a gas cylinder is burning do not attempt to close the control valve. Direct a constant stream of water onto the bottle until the flame has extinguished itself. Spectators may not be permitted in the immediate vicinity.
  • It is expected that all employees are familiar with the use of fire extinguishers, hose reels and fire hoses.


Training Drills

  • Full emergency drills will be conducted on a 6 monthly basis and will include all persons who have been designated to fight fires or who have been given other special duties. Such drills will include assembly point procedures, fire extinguisher and hose drills.
  • After completion of the drills a written report will be submitted to the Safety Department.
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