Lesson 14 – Security Emergency Procedure



When an alarm or radio emergency is received from either the guard force member at the plant main gate, fence patrol, inside the smelt house, other security member inside the plant or any other person, or in the event of detecting an emergency situation on the CCTV system, the following procedures must be followed:-


  • Contact the Reaction Officer on duty or the Security member at the specific plant. Inform only relevant information as above.
  • Contact the Security Manager and the Control Room coordinator on duty or on standby to investigate the matter or incident immediately.
  • Monitor the area carefully; ensuring that domes are in strategic positions. Keep communicating changes in the situation to the most important key person in the emergency situation.
  • Contact the S A P S



  • Security Manager or Security Officer must, when called out, give immediate attention to the matter or incident.
  • Must take charge of situation.
  • Must establish the kind of threat, namely robbery, forceful entry or attempt thereto.
  • Must establish who is involved, security staff or plant personnel, have they been taken at gunpoint or as hostage, or are they in a position from where they can do observation.
  • Must establish the exact position or location of own forces and of the intruders or robbers. Will deploy guards as lookouts on the mine dumps, headgear or strategic places from where observation of the situation can be done.
  • Must establish what kind of weapons the intruders or robbers are in possession of.
  • Must establish the number of intruders or robbers involved – how many are inside and how many outside the plant.
  • Must establish if any vehicles are involved and the positions thereof.
  • Must deploy vehicle patrols to patrol area for detection of suspect or get-away vehicles.
  • Must keep the Security Manager informed at all times and submit Inreps and Sitreps on the situation to PFS Operations.
  • Must keep the General Manager and Metallurgical Manager informed of the situation.
  • Must liaise with the SA Police Services, Security Area Manager, S/M and other Security Officers to establish the best means of counter attack. Also a plan of action if security members, plant personnel or any other person has been taken hostage or held captive by attacker/s or robbers.
  • Must take control of any evacuation procedures, action plan or situation.



  • When it comes to the attention of a guard force member on duty that unlawful entry was gained, either by means of the main gate or by cutting the perimeter fence, he must immediately report by telephone or radio to the control room.
  • Report the strength of robbers and if possible the weapons carried by the robbers or intruders.
  • Report positions and actions of robbers if possible and keep observation on their movements. Report this to the Security Officer or Radio Operator.
  • Give clear descriptions of the robbers or intruders involved, as well as of the motor vehicles used by them, if any.
  • Do not make an attempt to arrest the robbers or intruders if they are armed, but to keep observation and to report to the Control room or Security Officer.
  • To adhere to the drill action concerned and not to endanger own life or those of colleagues or plant personnel by means of irresponsible action.
  • Must warn all other security members on duty at the plant as well as employees of the situation.
  • If taken hostage or held at gun point or if being surprised by robbers or intruders, stay calm and don’t do anything to aggravate them.
  • If in the above situation, don’t use the radio.
  • The guard force member concerned must make all possible attempts to avoid being taken hostage or being surprised by robbers or intruders. Stay alert and ready while on duty.



  • When messages are relayed over the radio, always be sure of your facts. Do not guess.
  • Always make use of the maximum cover and shelter in the shortest period possible.
  • Also ensure that when approaching a vehicle that you’re not surprised by the assailants. Do not approach suspicious vehicles from the front but rather from behind.
  • Ensure that innocent people are not in the crossfire.
  • Expect attacker/s or robber/s to be armed and all weapons to be loaded.
  • When under fire, shoot to kill or to put out of action. Count your shots so that you don’t run out of ammunition.
  • If possible always make use of a bulletproof jacket.
  • Heavy caliber fire-arms such as LM5 and mini ruggers to form part of response equipment.



Remote and fixed alarms are active at Fairview, Sheba and Consort Plants for use in any emergency situation by security members as well as shift foreman.



  • When pressed, the alarm will signal at the Control Room. The CCTV operator will immediately respond and determine by CCTV system and/or telephone/radio to determine what the situation is.
  • Once an emergency situation has been established, the correct procedure as stipulated in the Disaster Plan should be followed. Should the CCTV operator not be able to determine whether there is an emergency situation (should a break-in be suspected or that an employee be suspected to be in any danger) the procedure as described in Annexure 8 Point 3 is to be followed.
  • This silent alarm is to be used in cases of emergency, e.g. armed attacks, robberies, break-in or hostage situations but can also be used in cases of safety where the person cannot call for assistance immediately, for example fires or when someone has been injured.
  • The alarm/panic must be tested 3 times daily on shift commencement and it must be confirmed with the Control Room that it is in working condition.
  • If accidentally set off, the person who activated the alarm, will report in person to the Control Room about the condition. A radio message will be ignored and not accepted by the CCTV Operator.
  • These panic alarms are there for the protection of you and the safe guarding of company assets, it must therefore be treated as such.


Testing of alarms:

  • This alarm must be tested at the commencement of each shift and you must acknowledge the condition. An OB entry must be made by the CCTV Operator and any defects must be reported to the Security Officer/Manager.


Telephone numbers of Senior Security Members to be contacted are as follows:

  • Security Manager (C Lock)    082 806 5714
  • Investigation Officer (M Jooste)  082 388 4998
  • Investigation Officer (S Maphanga)  071 005 3240
  • Security Contract Manager (G Landman)  082 336 2718
  • Security HOD  Sheba (J van Bosch)  082 493 6979
  • Security HOD  Consort (M Moloko)  076 215 8951
  • Security HOD  Fairview (S Bulunga)  082 758 2213
  • SAP  013 712 2233 / 10 111



  • All available members will gather at a locality established by the Security Member or Senior Member in charge at that time.



  • Senior Members: Semi Automatic fire-arms (223/9mm)
  • Bullet proof vests
  • Torches/Spot Lights
  • Additional ammunition
  • Radios



  • Armoured vehicles must be utilised wherever possible. Senior members reacting from the mines must utilize such vehicles from the beginning.
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