Two types of emergencies are considered as most likely to occur, i.e.
- Spillage of cyanide from a storage vessel (contamination with some reactive substance may or may not follow).
- Contamination of cyanide with some reactive substance while inside a storage vessel.
- Instruct someone to notify any senior official, and activate the emergency cyanide alarm.
- Put on full protective clothing including canister mask, and take immediate action to stop further spillage.
- Isolate the spillage (to minimise danger to humans and animals), and erect barricade around spill.
- Clear the affected area of personnel, and post guards on the up-wind side.
- Put warning notices up. “DANGEROUS CHEMICAL SPILL”
- Confine the spillage to the smallest area possible and make every effort to keep flakes dry.
- Cover the spillage with tarpaulins (to minimise effect of wind and rain).
- Divert any running water, which may come into contact with spill.
- Prevent or minimise entry of cyanide into storm water system.
- Clean up the spillage by loading it into suitable containers.
- Neutralize any material which cannot be cleaned with suitable neutralizing agent, e.g. ferrous sulphate, sodium or calcium hypochlorite’s.
- Should it be raining or spillage occurred on wet ground or standing water:
–Follow steps (1.a) – i) above.
–Evacuate personnel from occupied buildings nearby, especially on downwind side.
–Arrange for emergency team to be dispatched to the area promptly.
In the case of water contamination, which is the most probable, a certain amount of HCN gas will be generated, together with some acetylene.
- Evacuate all areas downwind of the cyanide vessel for at least 100 metres.
- Ensure that no smoking or naked flames is allowed within the same distance.
- In the event of an appreciable amount of water having entered the system, special measures will have to be applied to get the material out of the container.
The supervisor in charge should satisfy himself that the following equipment is available and in good order:
- Safety shower
- Fire extinguishers
- First aid equipment
- Emergency kits
- Air-line respirator
- Neutralising agent insufficient quantity
Discharge the material into suitable containers equipped with vented lids, with the accent being on skilled supervision and the issue of personal protective equipment.
Open the outlet of the system to the atmosphere.
Purge the system with dry air as soon as possible.