Where practically possible, secure both cylinders vertically.
- Open momentarily then close the oxygen cylinder valve in order to remove any dirt or obstruction in the cylinder valve. (No smoking or open flame allowed).
- Open momentarily then close acetylene valve. (No smoking or open flame allowed).
- See that jointing surfaces in cylinder valves and regulators are free from oil or grease.
- The oxygen cylinder is painted Black and it has right hand screw threads. All the oxygen cylinder nuts and threaded fittings have right hand threads and plain hexagon nuts. Hoses are black, blue or green.
- The acetylene cylinder is painted red and it has left hand screw threads. All the acetylene cylinder nuts and threaded fittings have left hand threads and grooved hexagon nuts. Hoses are red.
- Screw appropriate regulator into oxygen or acetylene cylinder valve sockets until gently home.
- Then a sharp blow with the hand on the spanner shaft will ensure a gas-tight sealing.
- Open the oxygen cylinder first. Do not open suddenly; this could cause serious damage to the regulator. Remember, a half turn opens the valve fully.
- Open the acetylene cylinder the same as the oxygen cylinder.