Lesson 3 – Fire Prevention Measures

Causes of fires:

  • Arson by criminal miners.
  • Electrical faults.
  • Cutting and welding operations.
  • Igniter cord, fuses and explosives.
  • Contraband.
  • Friction


Types of fires

  • Flammable material (timber, LHD tires, Conveyor belts, rubbish and waste, Cables and plastic.
  • Flammable fluids. (Diesel, paints, degreasing fluids, oil and grease)


Extinguishing a fire:

  • Once a fire has started it should be extinguished as soon as possible. The longer a fire is permitted to  burn, the greater the danger of exposing employees become and also more difficult to extinguish it.
  • Always have first line of fire fighting equipment ready.
  • Remain calm and act quickly.
  • Send somebody to report and call for assistance.
  • Extinguish by means of fire extinguisher, water hose, water bucket, water spray, smouldering by using sand or mud etc. (Don’t use water on an electrical fire)
  • When the fire gets out of control and it becomes unsafe to continue with the fire fighting, follow escape procedure to nearest place of safety.


Fire risk assessment process:

  • A specific risk matrix to assess the significance of a fire has been used.

Fire risk assessment process:

  • A specific risk matrix to assess the significance of a fire has been used.

Fire risk assessment process:

  • A specific risk matrix to assess the significance of a fire has been used.

Fire risk assessment process:

  • A specific risk matrix to assess the significance of a fire has been used.
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