Lesson 9 – General Treatment of Snake Bites

  • Always Ensure Your Own Safety- Before treating someone that has been bitten:
  • Make sure the snake is no longer in the immediate vicinity or is dead.
  • When you work with the bite wound, make use of gloves or ensure that you do not get the victim’s blood on your hands, thus ensuring that you do not get poisoned through scratches or open wounds.

‒Immediately apply firm pressure to the bite area using your hand. Then wrap a firm bandage (a crepe bandage is ideal, otherwise tear up some clothing) over the bitten area. You are not aiming to cut off the blood circulation, but rather to prevent the venom from spreading rapidly through the lymphatic system. The bandage should, therefore, be as tight as for a sprained ankle. Do not use a tourniquet.

‒Keep calm and reassure the victim.  Lay the victim down and make sure they do not move.

‒Movement increases venom circulation.

‒Do not gibe the victim with alcohol or cut the bitten area. Do not waste time. Transport the victim safely to the nearest hospital or doctor.  Let somebody phone the hospital or doctor to give them advanced warning.

‒Do not inject Anti-venom. This should be left to the doctor.

‒Keep the mouth and throat clear of saliva and resort to artificial respiration if necessary.

  • Do not hunt the snake down and attempt to kill it. A second bite would really complicate matters. If, however, it has been killed, and you are not sure what species it is, take it with you to the hospital or doctor as positive identification could simplify treatment, but be careful. (Even if dead the fangs still contain venom)

–If the patient has been bitten high up on the trunk, which seldom happens, apply firm pressure to the site of the bite, to delay the spread of venom.

–Snake bite is a rare incident and very few victims die. It is important that you keep your wits about  you, and react in a logical way.   Remember that  the snake may even have been harmless.

–Do not suck the bite.  You may not be aware of scratches or blisters in your mouth, and you could get poisoned yourself.

  • Never allow the victim to walk- transport them on a stretcher in a lateral position. If you are alone:

‒Keep calm,

‒Apply treatment to yourself as far as possible,

‒Walk slowly, do not run, but do not waste time.

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