CRITERIA 3.2 – The operating of basic firefighting equipment is demonstrated in accordance with organisational procedures

How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

Even though extinguishers come in a number of shapes and sizes, they all operate in the same way. Here’s an easy method to remember how to use a fire extinguisher.

Pass – Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep

1.Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher that keeps the handle from being accidentally pressed

2.Aim the nozzle toward the base of the fire

3.Stand approximately two meters away from the fire and squeeze the handle to discharge the extinguisher. If you release the handle, the discharge will stop

4.Sweep the nozzle back and forth at the base of the fire. After the fire appears to be out, watch it carefully since it may re-ignite

5.Use the right fire extinguisher for the type or class of fire. Not all extinguishing agents are compatible with all types of fuel. For example, water used on a flammable liquid fire is likely to increase the rate of burning dramatically and to spread the fuel to cover a greater area.

Thus, if the wrong type of extinguisher is chosen, the fire situation can be made worse, often putting you in danger.

Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers

Extinguisher is activated as follows:

1.Remove horn from tarry clip

2.Remove safety clip

3.Remove safety pin

4.Hold the discharge pipe and horn mechanism by insulated handle only, to obviate the occurrence of static sparks and freezing of the hand

5.Direct horn to the base of the flame

6.Lay empty extinguisher on its side and mark as empty after the fire incident

NOTE: When used in confined spaces come out immediately, as the oxygen for breathing might become deficient.  Close doors to keep the Carbon Dioxide inside the room.  Ventilate afterwards

Never point a carbon dioxide extinguisher at a person, this could lead to severe frostbite or even the death of a person by freezing.

Dry powder extinguisher (Stored pressure and cartridge type)

1.Remove nozzle from the holster

2.Remove safety pin

3.Press puncture lever down hard to puncture cartridge – this pressurizes the camber containing dry powder

4.Wait for 4 seconds – then test by cracking the nozzle twice

5.Approach the fire at the base of the flames swinging the nozzle twice

6.Move backward to move away from the fire never turn your back to the fire

7.Lay empty extinguisher on its side and mark as empty after the fire incident

Points to Remember:

  • Never turn your back to a fire when moving out
  • Always stand up wind to stay out of the smoke or fumes
  • All handheld fire extinguishers discharge in about 20 seconds
  • Fire in flammable liquids – water should not be used on the burning liquid itself, but can be used to cool and extinguish fires in the surrounds
  • Fires in gas – the flames should be extinguished by isolating the gas supply
  • Fires in electrical equipment – Never use water on live electrical equipment
  • Fire in a car – take the fire extinguisher with you when evacuating.

General rules for safe use of Extinguishers

  • If possible, ensure that back up assistance is available before tackling a fire – it is preferable to work in pairs.
  • Ensure that an escape route is available before committing yourself to an attack on the fire.
  • If outdoors, approach fire windward side.
  • Do not place yourself at risk. If the fire is too big or begins to spread, leave the area immediately.
  • Remain alert – fires can change direction and intensity rapidly.
  • Do not run, ground surfaces may be slippery.
  • When tackling a fire involving live electrical equipment, isolate the power as soon as possible to prevent re-ignition.
  • When extinguishing a flammable liquid spillage fire, never walk in the spillage area in case the flames flash back.
  • Remember that continuous discharge times are quite short, so correct technique is vital and must be practiced regularly.
  • When the fire has been extinguished, back off slowly – never turn your back on it.
  • When fire is out, ventilate and get out of confined areas. The carbon monoxide present could be dangerous.

Activation Procedures for the Various Types

Extinguisher activation differs according to the charging methods used:

Gas cartridge:

  • A sealed gas cartridge containing CO 2 is screwed into the operating mechanism of the extinguisher. A striker pin punctures the sealing disc of the cartridge when the extinguisher is activated, and the gas rapidly pressurizes the body. This sudden pressurization of the unit becomes significant if servicing has been negligent or if the extinguisher body has been damaged in any way.
  • This is the time when handgrips could shatter or the extinguisher raptures.

Inspection of Fire Extinguishers

A competent person should be responsible for the inspection and maintenance of firefighting equipment.  This, however, does not relieve the employees of their duties to ensure that the firefighting equipment at their workplace are in their place and maintained and looked after.

Only three of the most common fire extinguishers will be discussed in this section

All items marked with an x should be checked:

Water as Fire Fighting Agent

Water is the most commonly used commodity in firefighting, for cooling down the surroundings of the fire.

Hose Reels

  • Hose reels are located at various locations. You should know where these are and how to operate them.
  • Inspection of Hose Reels and Use of Hose Reels.
  • Hose reels are inspected in the following manner every time before used.
  • Close the discharge nozzle.
  • Open the supply valve.
  • Run the hose off the hose reel through the rundown stirrup.
  • Check the rundown stirrup for damage.
  • Open the discharge nozzle and check for operation and hose condition.
  • The nozzle can now be set for a fire spray, which is effective for cooling to a narrow jet. The water must be directed to the base of the fire when fighting a fire or to the top of equipment being cooled.
  • Close the discharge nozzle.
  • Clean the hose while rewinding it.
  • Open the discharge nozzle to allow the hose to depressurise.
  • Some hose reel boxes and supply valves may be sealed. If this was the case have the seals replaced.
  • Hose reels not to be used for washing floors or cars. Hose reels to be used for firefighting only.

Inspection of fire hydrant valves, canvas, fire hoses and fittings

Inspection of Fire Hydrants

  • Check that the hydrant valve seal is intact.
  • Open and close the hydrant valve and check that the pawl operates freely.
  • Flush hydrant before attaching hose to remove any dirt in water pipe.

Inspection of Canvas Hoses and Fittings

  • Check that the seal on the female coupling is intact.
  • Check hose coupling for damage.
  • Check that the hose is correctly rolled up with the female coupling inside the roll.
  • Check branch pipes and adapters for damage.
  • If the fire equipment boxes where sealed have the seal replaced.

Running out canvas fire hoses and fittings from fire hydrant to a fire scene

The operation of a fire scene will require at least 3 persons per team.  Usually there will be more than one team with a fire marshal to coordinate the team.

The team members’ duties will be as follows:

  • Fire Marshall will coordinate the teams
  • No. 1 Branch pipe and nozzle operator
  • No. 2 Back up hose operator
  • No. 3 Hydrant valve operator

The procedure for each person will be as follows:

Person Nr 1.

  • Carry the hose to the hydrant holding the hose in front of your body with one hand on each of the female coupling clips. The male coupling on the loose end will hang from over the top of the hose between the hose and the body.
  • The hose must be allowed to unroll to a long piece hose hanging down.
  • Beware that it does not obstruct your movement or even become a tripping hazard.
  • Put the hose down upright in front of the hydrant while standing behind the hose, to control the hose from running away with your feet and legs.
  • Fit the hose into the female hydrant valve coupling and ensure that it is fitted tightly.
  • Turn around to face toward the fire; pick up the canvas hose with one hand on each coupling clip. Hold the hose to the side of your body and run the hose out to the fire without allowing the hose to turn and twist.
  • Take the branch pipe and nozzle from No. 2 and fit it to the male coupling of the fire hose.
  • Ensure that it fits tightly.
  • Person Nr 2 Now takes back-up position behind you, and you give the signal to No. 3 to open the water.
  • Control the water discharge direction by controlling the branch pipe and nozzle.
  • When the fire is extinguished, give the signal to No. 3 to close the hydrant.
  • Only after the fire Marshall has given the “all clear” signal is it safe to put the hose down.

Person No. 2.

  • Remove the branch pipe and nozzle and a second length of hose if needed from the fire equipment box.
  • Follow behind No. 1
  • Check that the hose does not kink, twist or come in contact with sharp edges.
  • Give the branch pipe to No. 1.
  • Connect and run the second length of hose if needed and take position behind No. 1
  • Assist in holding and moving the hose.
  • Take over from No. 1 when he gets tired
  • Stay with No. 1 until the All-Clear signal has been given.

Person No. 3.

  • Take up position at the fire hydrant, facing the fire.
  • Open or close the water as requested by No. 1.
  • Keep watch of any fire spread.
  • Stay at the hydrant until the All-Clear signal has been given.
  • Rolling and Storing canvas Hoses and Fittings.

In case of fires lasting more than 30 minutes the following will apply:

  • No 3 will relieve No 1.
  • No 1 will now man the hydrant.
  • No 2 take up position of No 1.

Continue with this sequence until the fire is set out completely, or until the next relief team take over.  Canvas hoses must be rolled up correctly to ensure that they are ready for use in the event of a fire.  The fittings are stored with the hoses in the equipment box.

After a fire the procedure will be as follows:

  • Disconnect the branch pipes and nozzle and return to the storage box.
  • Disconnect the canvas hose from the hydrant and drain the water.
  • Pull the hose to lay straight, then turn the female coupling up and over to lay flat on top of the hose.
  • Roll the hose up from the female coupling to the male coupling while cleaning the hose.
  • Replace the hose in the storage box.
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