Explosion – Underground

  • Control over explosives
  • Safe handling
  • Only handle or deal with explosives if trained and competent
  • Prevent theft of explosives
  • No smoking close to explosives
  • Ensure explosives are locked away in approved containers
  • Search for explosives prior to breaking rocks or cutting pipes/containers with flames

Toxic or irrespirable atmosphere

  • Always test for gasses
  • Never enter barricaded areas
  • Always ensure good and sufficient ventilation
  • Exercise right to withdraw
  • No work close to areas where gas has been detected
  • Always wear self rescuer when proceeding underground
  • Test and calibrate gas treating equipment prior to use.

Ground/strata failure during drilling, blasting and extraction process

  • Stope layout plan approval
  • Drilling accuracy
  • Blast control- timing
  • Support compliance
  • Always do through entry examination
  • Never remove support unless instructed to do so by blasting certificate holder
  • Always make safe before starting work
  • Never over charge blast holes

Fire – Surface

  • Good housekeeping
  • Cutting of grass
  • Fire breaks
  • Responsibility to protect environment
  • No uncontrolled fires especially during winter time
  • No smoking close to combustible and flammable material

Fire – Underground

  • Mining equipment preventive maintenance
  • Mining equipment fire suppression system
  • Electrical installation condition monitoring-thermograhy
  • Inspections of electrical installations-Earth leakage and over current protection
  • Gear box and pulley fire suppression system inspections
  • Condition monitoring of gear boxes and pulleys
  • Fire resistance belt improvement plan compliance
  • Belt slip detection inspection
  • Fuel bay fire suppression system inspection
  • Fuel bay over inspections and compliance
  • Fire detection and prevention
  • Fire extinguishers maintenance and inspection

Shafts, winder and lifts incidents

  • Always adhere to safe access and egress procedures
  • Never enter compartments without permission
  • Never tamper with safety devices
  • Never operate unless trained, competent, authorized and licensed
  • Never travel on top of conveyance
  • Never travel with body outside of conveyance
  • Only travel with permitted and approved tools and material
  • Never give signals unless trained and authorized
  • Always wear safety protective equipment
  • No horse play on conveyance
  • Report non-conformances and non-compliances immediately

Bus Incident

  • Training and competency assessment
  • Dover assessment
  • Schedule vehicle maintenance and compliance
  • Pre-shift inspections
  • Brake testing on brake test ramp must be conducted
  • Vehicle tracking GPS and driver analytics
  • Auditing compliance with regard to speeding and other driver behaviour
  • Bus routing compliance
  • Training driver of competency to prevent freewheeling situations
  • Alcohol testing at all access points to the mine

Tailings dam failure

  • Report any non-conformances immediately
  • Report any hazards and risks immediately
  • Full compliance to legal and company procedures
  • Never walk or climb on top tailings dam
  • Never enter accumulations of water of unknown depth
  • Conduct regular inspections and audits

Inrush – water, mud & other liquids

  • Full compliance to legal requirements
  • Full compliance to management guidelines
  • Keep ran off channels clean and unobstructed
  • Never leave or permit water to run uncontrollably
  • Reliable pump and pipe maintenance
  • Never permit water to enter shafts, orepasses or areas where the consequence is a risk
  • Maintain reservoirs, dams and equipment’s

Hazardous Chemicals

  • Full compliance to legal requirements
  • Full compliance to management guidelines
  • Keep bund walls in good condition
  • Never leave or permit hazardous chemical spillage
  • Reliable storage and control
  • Never permit water to enter storage areas where the consequence is a risk
  • Maintain security and controls
  • Continuous auditing and evaluation
  • Immediate reporting and remedial action
  • Effective training and competence assessment
  • Risk assessment documentation
  • Bow tie analysis
  • Critical control
  • Responsibilities and accountabilities
  • Performance standards and systems

Confined Space Entry

  • Full compliance to legal requirements
  • Full compliance to management guidelines
  • Never permit entry without lock work permit
  • Immediate reporting and remedial action
  • Effective training and competence assessment
  • Risk assessment documentation

Working at Heights

  • Full compliance to legal requirements
  • Full compliance to management guidelines
  • Follow required procedures
  • Immediate reporting and remedial action
  • Effective training and competence assessment
  • Risk assessment documentation
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