• Life-Saving Behaviours are intended to save lives and by following them we protect people from potential fatal consequences.
  • Life-Saving Behaviours have a direct link, based on previous fatalities, to the behaviours broken just prior to a fatal incident occurring.

The following Life-Saving Behaviours relate to the Energy Isolation FHP:

  • Always come to work drug and alcohol free
  • Always use or wear critical safety equipment.
  • Always wear appropriate fall protection equipment when working above two (2) meters
  • Only operate equipment if trained and authorised.
  • Always isolate and ‘test for dead’ prior to working on energy sources.
  • Never modify or over-ride critical safety equipment without approval.
  • Always seek and obtain clear approval before entering mobile equipment operating zones
  • Never enter Danger Zones.
  • Always report injuries and High Potential Risk Incidents (HPRIs).
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