Emergency Number:

Control Room – 911


  • Emergency number/s to activate an early warning/response
  • Emergency Assembly Point/Emergency Warden Duties
  • Emergency Evacuation Procedure & Plans
  • Emergency Preparedness Basic Training


Be prepared to answer the following questions

1.Your name and company number.

2.Where are you calling from.

3.Which mine are you calling from.

4.What happened (description of incident).

5.Are people injured or trapped/ are there fatalities.

6.Nature of injuries or harm.

7.Who are the employees involved.

8.What time did the incident happen

9.Who is the supervisor and which section did it occur


Persons Discovering the Emergency (3 options)

  • Raise the alarm, act immediately and safely – notify the supervisor or
  • Notify the Control Room or
  • Notify Emergency Call Centre

If an Emergency Evacuation is required:

  • Raise alarm, Act Safely, Immediate Action
  • specifying the emergency situation or
  • The Emergency Call Centre – 911
  • Avoid panic, remain calm


  • Attempt to contain the incident – if safe to do so
  • Move to the designated Assembly Point
  • Senior Mine Employee will take control of the Evacuation and Roll Call
  • Unaccounted persons – notify the Emergency Response Team. Do not effect a search without the authorization of the Emergency Response Team or Manager
  • Establish & maintain ongoing communication with incoming emergency response teams/Manager
  • Remain at the Assembly Point until instructed otherwise by a person in authority
  • If required, apply First Aid & call for medical assistance
  • Follow instructions from the Emergency Response Teams/Manager
  • Do not permit any person to re-enter the Emergency Area without the authority of the Emergency Response Team/Manager
  • Once alarm is raised or is encountered, please proceed to the nearest refuge chamber immediately.
  • Emergency Plans and Procedures must be displayed in appropriate places in line with the said procedures.
  • The Emergency Plans must clearly indicate Safe Escape Routes and Assembly Points/Places of Safety/Refuge Bays
  • Follow emergency procedure diligently

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