• Catastrophic hazard or risks are events that have the capability of causing 5 or more fatalities, the most serious environmental, reputational or financial outcomes.
  • These are high consequence, low probability events that rarely happens and they are often the result of circumstances in which weaknesses or failures of equipment, processes, systems and people line up – and multiple lines of defence fail.
  • Protecting Barberton mines against catastrophic hazards is a major part of our Risk Management Framework
  • Explosion – Underground
  • Toxic or irrespirable atmosphere
  • Ground and strata failure during development of waste rock processes
  • Ground/strata failure during drilling, blasting and extraction
  • Fire – Surface
  • Fire – Underground
  • Shafts, winder and lifts incidents
  • Bus Incident
  • Tailings dam failure
  • Inrush – water, mud & other liquids
  • Hazardous Chemicals
  • Hot/Molten Material
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Working at Heights
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