In the event of a piece of molten metal accidentally falling into an acetylene hose and causing a hole to be burnt or a hose to be sheared and thereby setting the gas alight, the following steps must be taken:-
- Close both valves on the torch.
- Hand the torch to the person nearest to you.
- Instruct an assistant to extinguish the flame in the hose.
- Instruct an assistant/s to move the oxygen cylinder a safe distance away. This is the main reason why the hoses must not be taped together.
- Close acetylene valve on cylinder.
To determine whether the acetylene cylinder is burning, one of the following conditions will be noticed:
- A flame will appear at the valve opening.
- The contents gauge shows a pressure higher than 2750 kPa.
- The cylinder is heated accidentally.
- The cylinder becomes unduly warm.
- There is any sign of smoke.
- There is an unusual smell with gas discharged.
- An explosion occurs in the regulator or hose.
Procedure in the case of a burning cylinder.
- Close the cylinder valve.
- Immediately remove the cylinder into the open if convenient
- Apply water from a safe distance with a hose to cool the cylinder.
- Send one person along the direction of ventilation flow to warn people of dangerous gas approaching.
- All persons to move to a safe distance.
- Immediately send a message to the Shiftboss, Mine Overseer, Banksman and Engineer stating clearly what has happened and precisely where it has occurred.
- After the cylinder has burnt out and cooled off, mark cylinder and clearly write down the number and have cylinder removed to surface. The number must be given to your immediate superior, who will inform the Chief Storekeeper and ask him to inform the suppliers.