Regulation 1Definitions 11 shaft 11 means any tunnel having a cross-sectional dimension of 3.6 meters or over and-
a)Having an inclination to the horizontal of 15 degrees or over;or
b)Having an inclination to the horizontal of less than 15 degrees but more than 10 degrees where the speed of traction may exceed two meters per second.
3.2 Regulation 16.70 No bucket or other means of conveyance shall be filled with loose rock or ground above the level of the brim.
3.3 Regulation In any shaft in the course of being sunk the ganger or miner shall make a sketch showing the position of every misfired hole or socket. Every such sketch shall be kept for a minimum of 7 days.
3.4 Regulation 7.5.1: No timber, rock tools or other articles shall be placed or be allowed to remain where they accidentally can fall don any vertical or steeply inclined excavation and thereby endanger the safety of persons.
3.5 Regulation 7.5.2: No person shall carry or be permitted to carry any drill, tool or any loose material down a ladder way in a vertical or steeply inclined shaft or winze except so far as may be necessary in executing repairs.
Regulation 7.5.3: Every opening from a vertical or steeply inclined excavation into a travelling way or working place situated on the lower or dip side of such excavation shall be kept barricaded so that persons travelling or working below or near such opening are effective protected against dangers from the falling or rolling of timber,stones, tools and other articles.
3.7 Regulation 16.1: No person shall ride or cause or permit somebody to ride in or on a conveyance operated by a winding plant, unless it is permitted by a prescribed permit or by regulation 16.94.
Additional regulations applicable to winding engines used in decline shaft sinking:
Regulation 16.6.5: Except for friction drive or sheave type of winding engines, there shall not be less than 3 turns of rope upon the drum when the cage, skip or other means of conveyance is at the lowest point in the shaft or winze from which hoisting is effected and the end of the rope where applicable shall be fastened securely round the arm or the shaft of the drum.
Additional regulations applicable to winding engines used in decline shaft sinking:
Regulation 16.7: In addition to any marks on the rope, every winding engine shall be provided with reliable depth indicators conveniently situated, which will at all times show clearly and accurately to the winding engine driver at his operating position of the cage, skip or other means of conveyance and where a reduction in winding speed is necessary. The pointer of the dial indicator on the driver’s right-hand side shall move in a clockwise direction when lowering and the pointer of a post and spiral indicator shall move up or down as the conveyance moves up or down. On every winding engine where the rope is driven by friction, every single-drum winding engine and every winding engine having 2 drums permanently fixed on one shaft, only one indicator need to be provided.
Regulation 16.9.1: Every winding engine shall be fitted with at least one effective automatic over wind prevention device, as well as an effective automatic over-speed prevention device.
Regulation 16.74: An engineer or competent person appointed in terms of regulation
2.13.2, as the case may be shall appoint in writing some competent person or persons whose duty it shall be to examine carefully.
Regulation 16.74.1: At least once in each week, the winding ropes, the balance ropes or tail ropes, the connection of the winding ropes to the drums, the connection referred to in regulation 16.18, the conveyance and the main members by which they are suspended and any safety catches attached thereto, the pulley wheels and sheaves, the brakes, the depth indicators, the safety devices and all external parts of the winding equipment upon the proper working of which the safety of persons depends: Provided that these examination will not be necessary on any day mentioned in section 9(1) of the Act, if the winding plant makes less than 50 trips during any such day, and
Regulation 16.74.2: at least once in each month the signalling arrangements and safety devices used in connection therewith.
Additional standards applicable to winding engines used in decline shaft sinking:
Once every six (6) months an EMT (Electro Magnetic Rope Test) to be conducted and a report on the condition of the rope to be sent to the Engineer.
The engineer must approve the signal communication system installed.
Both a main brake and a thruster braking system must be installed on all small hoists used for decline shaft sinking.