Lesson 11 – Fire Fighting

Fire Fighting – Fire Fighting Procedure

Fire Fighting – Emergency Procedure


a) Raise the alarm immediately.

b) Only trained persons to try and extinguish a fire within the limits of their training. Never fight a Fire if:

  • The fire is spreading beyond the point where it started.
  • The flames are threatening to block your path of escape.
  • You don’t have the proper or adequate equipment to extinguish the fire.
  • If you are in any of these situations, do not fight the fire yourself.  Call for help and escape immediately

c) If it’s a large fire that is out of control, evacuate all personnel according to the following points:

  • Proceed to the nearest exit or refuge chamber outlined in your Emergency Action Plan.
  • Use stairs to exit to the ground floor of multi-level buildings.  Never use elevators in a fire drill or emergency.
  • Once safe move to the assembly point or refuge chamber and take role call to ensure all persons are accounted for.

d) Notify your supervisor and the control room:

  •    Report your name, location, time of detection and type of fire

e) If your clothes catch alight: STOP – DROP – and ROLL

  • Stop where you are. Do not run.
  • Drop to the ground or floor.
  • Roll around on the ground to extinguish the flames.
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