Topic 3 – Employees:


Every Employee at a Mine, while at that Mine, must:


  • Take reasonable care to protect their own Health and Safety.
  • Take reasonable care to protect the Health and Safety of other persons who may be affected by any act or omission  of  that  employee;
  • Use and take proper care of protective clothing and other  Health and Safety  facilities and Equipment provided for the  protection, Health or Safety of that Employee  and  other  Employees.
  • Report promptly to their immediate Supervisor any situation which the Employee  believes  presents a risk  to the Heath or Safety of that Employee or any other person, and with which the Employee cannot properly deal with.
  • Co-operate with any person to permit compliance with the duties and responsibilities placed on that person in terms of the Act and
  • Comply with prescribed Health and Safety Measures.

Employee’s right to leave/withdraw from a dangerous working place.

  • It is the duty of all employee’s to report/complain any sub-standard – unsafe condition & behaviour which will endanger health & safety of any worker/s to his/her immediate Supervisor..


The Employee has the right to leave/withdraw from any working place whenever:

  • Circumstances arise at that working place which, with reasonable justification, appear to that employee to pose a danger to the health and safety of that employee.
  • The health and safety representative responsible for that working place directs that employee to leave that working place.


Leave/withdraw from a dangerous working place in accordance with the mine’s withdrawal procedure.

  • When withdrawing from an unsafe work place, remove all employees to a safe area.
  • Barricade the area off to prevent inadvertently entry into the dangerous working place

Employee’s right to leave/withdraw from a dangerous working place:

Action to be taken when there is a danger to the health or safety of employees.

  • Whenever it appears that there is a danger to the health or safety of any employee, the immediate Supervisor must be notified, together with the Health and Safety Representative for the designated workplace.


Action to be taken by the Supervisor when there is a complaint regarding the safety of a working place

  • The immediate Supervisor will notify the Health and Safety Representative and will personally, accompany the Health and Safety Representative for the designated working place.
  • Inspect the affected area.
  • Assess the danger, make that part of the working place safe.
  • Any instruction given in the interest of health and safety to render the working place safe must be carried out.
  • Such task must be carried out under direct supervision of the Supervisor responsible for that working place.
  • Any work or action to resolve perceived danger must be commenced from a safe area.
  • The suspect area will only be declared safe once the immediate superior, in consultation with the Health & Safety Representative has approved such area, and a person who is the holder of a blasting certificate agrees that the area is safe.
  • Once the area is safe, the immediate Supervisor may instruct the Employees to resume work.

Employee’s right to leave/withdraw from a dangerous working place.

Actions to be taken if the area is still believed to be unsafe

  • If it is found that the danger is such that the area cannot easily be made safe, or if the employees continue to believe that there is a danger, the Shift Boss/Foreman will immediately be notified.
  • The Shift Boss will examine the part of the working place concerned accompanied by the Full time Health & Safety Representative. He will assess the danger, and if he considers it to be unsafe, he will take the appropriate steps to make it safe. If he determines that the part of the working place concerned is not unsafe, either after the examination or after making safe thereof, he may, in consultation with Full time Health & Safety Representative, require the Employees to resume work.

No discrimination against employees who exercise their rights.

No person may discriminate against any employee for:

  • Exercising a right in terms of Health and Safety.
  • Reporting unsafe acts and conditions.
  • Identifying hazards and risks in the interest of Health and Safety.


Negligent act or omission

  • Any person who, by a negligent act or by negligent omission, causes serious injury or serious illness to a person at a mine, shall face disciplinary action.
  • Any person, other than an employer or employee, who, by a negligent act or by a negligent omission, endangers the health or safety of a person at a mine shall be disciplined.
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